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AFKA Cymru
28 Park Place
CF10 3BA

AFKA Cymru courses are fantastic, really well-presented and contain a superb overview of the subject which I can take into practice

Commissioned Courses & Workshops

A really enjoyable day with a fantastic trainer who made everything so easy to understand

Commissioned Courses & Workshops

We were a group of mixed levels of experience and the trainer aimed this course at all of us perfectly

Commissioned Courses & Workshops

The warm delivery was professional and clear; I will actively seek out future AFKA Cymru courses

Commissioned Courses & Workshops

The course contained brilliantly selected case studies which I will use for reference in practice

Commissioned Courses & Workshops

I am so much more confident following my training, the peer-to-peer chats were excellent

Commissioned Courses & Workshops

AFKA Cymru courses are always relevant and contain the latest information and guidance

Commissioned Courses & Workshops

The course will be crucial to my ongoing role requirements

Commissioned Courses & Workshops

The trainer answered all questions with highly informative information – a fantastic course, thank you

Commissioned Courses & Workshops

Fantastic thank you – this course will provide a robust framework for business processes and reporting

Commissioned Courses & Workshops

The trainer has a natural gift of bringing dry legislation to life with her training style, a thoroughly enjoyable day

Commissioned Courses & Workshops

I could have listened for another full day – what an engaging, informative session

Commissioned Courses & Workshops

Just wanted to say a huge thank you for your assistance with the Conference last week. I really appreciated all that you did in the lead up to the day and on the day. We could not have managed without you!


It’s very useful to have an organisation to go to that can offer professional advice in respect of more complex cases, and gives workers another ‘tool in the box’ – the advice is well regarded, and has always been most helpful, and importantly makes sense and helps to put situations into context.


Whenever I contact the service for advice & support this is always forthcoming. Advice comes back quickly, with detail and based on in-depth knowledge and experience.


AFKA are always my first port of call, guidance gratefully accepted.


Excellent legal advice with the added value of understanding the implications for practice in adoption and fostering.


AFKA were extremely helpful; providing advice and letting me talk through a specific situation with them to reach a way forward.


It was lovely to talk to AFKA, they were professional and gave me sound advice and allayed any concerns I had about the quality of the report I had completed.


It’s good that within the hurly burly of constant queries and stresses of this role, AFKA’s overview enables me to focus and formulate with additional cohesion


A fantastic day – the trainer is amazing, and the course was brilliantly organised. Invaluable.


The Special Interest Groups are always well organised and the AFKA team is responsive; thank you!

SIG Groups

The Special Interest Groups run by AFKA are invaluable to practice and I am impressed that they have maintained momentum throughout COVID-19

SIG Groups

Our current workshop brochure

afa cymru brochure

AFKA Cymru are proud to work alongside:

todays knowledge supporting tomorrows families